Published 12 Apr 2011 Updated 12 Apr 2011
Well before the Fukushima debacle this astrologer did predict the stock market would not stay high.I described it as a “perfect storm” of “rolling negative events”.Yes not too,too shabby!
The hot air holding up the market has now cooled.
This doesn’t mean that stocks don’t have merit,only that,in this astrologer’s opinion new paradigms have started to occur.New shifts have taken place which are game changers,like the nuclear dilemna now to be dealt with.I would argue that nuclear negativity has always been a world factor,but not in this particular way.
Also,now the world is one big organism in a way which did not exist before.It is huddled around one vast computer viewing box!
Panic can occur in seconds worldwide now and within an hour of real,Earth time,financial meltdowns can be accomplished.
Now,that the planets in fiery Aries are sending new messages to the planets representing nuclear energy,optomism and pessimism,new games begin.The Aries planets are amping the stakes for the new game.This new game is much more toxic and dangerous for the world.