For deeply insightful readings, Maralyn prepares charts using four astrologies: Vedic, Hellenistic, British Horary and Western.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is a four thousand year-old astrology of India. It was, allegedly, created by men called seers who went into a trance and were given the ideas of Vedic Astrology directly by a divine force. The two most well known of them were sages Parashara and Jaimini. They created most of Vedic Astrology. Parashara’s manuscript is called the “Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra” which gives instructions of how to create many kinds of charts and has many refinements. It describes how planets send their light through lunar mansions called Nashatras and how many harmonic charts are to be created for different matters. So, for example, the primary chart to look at marriage, called “the Navamsha chart”, is created by configuring the Rashi chart, the birth chart, into a ninth-harmonic chart. The standing of the planets in it show if the individual will marry well or not. It describes a method of yoking planets together in a chart, called; “yogas”. It also discusses lunar mansions, “nakshatras”.

The sage Jaimini’s ideas created a  symbolism of planets which are called “karakas”. Karakas are a shorthand system for planets and their functions. For example there is the “atmakaraka”, which is the planet with the highest numeric standing in the Rashi chart, the birth chart. It is the most significant planet because it stands for the soul of the person. If the karaka Venus is strong in the harmonic charts the love life will be good. The person will marry a beautiful and sweet partner.

Vedic astrology is a superior astrology for judging the soundness of a potential marriage or business partner. Maralyn uses it in such matters with the other astrologies she knows because it shows strengths and and weakness of character like no other astrology.  Western astrology for character is a pale reflection of Vedic Astrology. Astrologers that give marriage readings using western charts are charlatans. They cannot judge character with western astrology.

This is just a brief overview of this superlative astrology so you, the client, can see how helpful it is to describe your gifts and character in a way like no other.  There are umpteen “harmonic charts” in vedic astrology: Essentially an harmonic chart for whatever the astrologer seeks, such as the Navamsha chart for showing the kind of marriage partner an individual is likely to get and what strong gifts they have.

Compared to Vedic astrology, western astrology is like a cartoon compared to the “novel” Vedic astrology gives.  Western astrology has its uses and is valuable to the practise but it does not excel at character depiction.  The right tool for the right job is chosen.  Each astrology Maralyn uses offers its own close focus and its own distortion.  This is why they are used in tandem.

See also Concept, history and practice of Vedic astrology