Published 23 Apr 2013 Updated 23 Apr 2013
Ms. Wintaur for some time has found the status quo distasteful to her well honed palate,Ennui has been her frequent companion of late.
After briefly checking in to her chart we can see why:Uranus,the planet of electric change has been pulsing its message to the first house of her chart,which has to do with her public image,physical body and is opposite the house of one to one relationships of all kinds,the seventh house.
Before this Pluto trucked with her tenth house,the house which presents her public image and gave her the tag for the ages of:”nuclear winter” because the Planet Pluto deals with matters nuclear and describes power taken through control.
If she does not break the bounds of her own imprisonment,the planet Uranus,will do it for her involuntarily.Recently it brought about her divorce,a matter which this planet is in charge of.This is but the beginning for her metamorphosis.
In the near term,she will have to be careful how she handles all matters relating to fame,Conde Naste ,her private life-there secrets may surface she thought long buried and most of all in her health,where serious issues may come up.
One can see why she wandered into “pastures new”:the politics of the United States.It was a new thing to do,but now she has magnified her capability within Conde Naste and for now,this will be her place of purchase.