Published 29 Jan 2013 • Updated 29 Jan 2013
No doubt many of you have been disappointed by readings by astrologers who have offered you only Western Astrological chart readings.This is because character cannot be perceived in such a chart in much depth.This is the nature of the beast.
What Western Astrology is superlative at however,is prediction in all forms:personal,for business events,events of country,weather and many other kinds of occurences.
For this reason,once I realized that Western Astrology did not allow me to offer my clients readings going deeply into character,I continued on in my training so I could do so.
I am a Vedic Astrologer and can give in this four thousand year old astrological system insight into what makes a person tick.When someone comes to me to look into who they are intending to marry,form a company with,or what skills they might want to develope in their personality,I encourage them to have a Vedic Chart done.
Vedic Astrology however,is not as accurate for prediction as Western Astrology.
Moreover I offer astrological readings in Hellenistic Astrology,which is from 200 B.C. and proably originated before that in Egypt.Mainly using the principles of an astrologer called,Vettius Valens,I look at some facets of character which are shown by this lense only.
Also,I sometimes offer my clients,readings fromed by the charts of their questions.This kind of astrology comes from the manuscripts of William Lilly,a Seventeenth Century British astrologer who wrote down his excellent principles in his book,Christian Astrology.
You might think all of this is abstruse,but a cobble together a large picture of my client using all of these techniques together which is greater than the sum of its parts.