Published 23 Mar 2011 Updated 23 Mar 2011
The Cardinal Signs:Aries,Cancer,Libra and Capricorn in matters of romance are of an opposite nature to the fixed signs previously discussed.Instead of being suspicious,with a dome over their personality and slow moving in thought,they do everything with lightning speed.If the fixed signs are the tortoise,the cardinal signs are the hare.They sprint through life impatiently.
They are considered the leaders of the zodiac because of this ability to make their minds up so quickly.A preponderance of planets in a birthchart give this.These people when faced with a decision make it fast,sometimes too fast.In the world of those that lead forcefully,with the courage to be themselves,no matter the cost these people these people win all rankings.
This is good in matters of the outer world like politics,business and matters military but in romance it may not be wonderful.If for example,one partner is cardinal and feminine and the other is masculine and fixed,the message between them can be garble:one partner wants to have everything out on the table,quickly and spit things out,while the fixed partner wants to proceed in their evalution of whether they like the cardinal person,slowly ,with reservations moving at the speed of mud.
If the gentle reader understands this:there are two romantic stylings here,two different dances: a foxtrot and a tango,then astrological knowledge can inform their courtship and they can endure the grueling process of figuring out if they care about each other.
If these things are not understood and astrology is left out,they may never realize their potential.They will never have something they can dance to.