Nuclear Can Can:Opera Bouffe:The Posturing of the Parties

  This week,if today is an indication,and it is,we will see the democratic and republican parties performing opera bouffe,with legs kicked high in the air,while a fall out of nuclear winter rains down on them!Am I mixing my metaphors to make a poetic point?Heck yes!Otherwise how can I capture the opera comique quality of the… Continue reading Nuclear Can Can:Opera Bouffe:The Posturing of the Parties

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So Goes This Week,So Goes The Year In The United States

   President Obama just released oil from emergency oil  reserves of the United States,this will temporarily lower the price of oil.Is this a good thing?    In my opinion,this is a classic example of what we in the astrological biz call:bad electional timing.When an individual puts something into motion during a negative,explosive period of time,it bomerangs… Continue reading So Goes This Week,So Goes The Year In The United States

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