I made an accurate prediction for the second year in a row on Twitter for the weather for the year,2017.I predicted that there would be massive droughts with large fires and many large storms with massive floods-six months have passed and this prediction is proving accurate. This is my second year in a row with… Continue reading My January Weather Prediction on Twitter
Category: BLOG POSTS
My Accurate Prediction About FANG Stocks
On my Twitter several weeks ago-when I predicted a new rotation in tech stocks I said,in print,that the FANG stocks would take a hit.I said that there would be a death process in FANG stocks and a renaissance in new tech coming in. Traders paid,almost no attention,but today-my prediction proved accurate.
Trump:How My Accurate Prediction
I am someone who-using Astrology and in particular,the method of Sylvia De Long-for picking the president of the United States,accurately,predicted Donald Trump would win months ago on my Twitter. I also said the election would be “close”because this is what the chart showed. If you don’t believe in Astrology you will have a problem with… Continue reading Trump:How My Accurate Prediction
Hillary Clinton
Readers of my Twitter yesterday-saw my written prediction that Hillary Clinton would take a huge hit to her campaign from secrets being released in the next two weeks.I explained these secrets would be of a serious nature that would affect her more deeply than what has preceeded it. Today we find our the FBI has… Continue reading Hillary Clinton
Another Lehman Brothers Two Prediction
Four days ago on Twitter I explained the Lehman Brothers Two pattern was about to be triggered in two days.Yesterday we saw that a large bank:aLehmanesque structure was in the spotlight:Wells Fargo will be investigation for criminal activities by the Attorney General of California for,alleged,”identity theft”and other activities. The pattern is holding up ,nicely,as a… Continue reading Another Lehman Brothers Two Prediction
Brexit Denied?
Two days ago on my Twitter I pointed out to my followers that the Lehman Brothers Two pattern would be magnified today,October 18th 2016 and that I expected the pattern would offer new surprises. What happened? We found in the news about England that there is some question about whether “Brexit”is legal and that English… Continue reading Brexit Denied?
Lehman Brother Two:I called it.
Since June 24th,2016 I brought to the notice of traders my theory that another iteration of Lehman Brothers would occur-due to the iteration of the pattern in the sky. I said that traders should beware bank stocks for this reason. Today,my theory has proven out:Deutche Bank is plummeting and Wells Fargo stocks are circling the… Continue reading Lehman Brother Two:I called it.
The Lehman Brothers Two Theory
On the day of Brexit,June 24th 2016,I set forth my theory:The Lehman Brothers Two pattern:I began to formulate it when I realized that the same pattern which existed on the day when Lehman Brothers fell was plastered in the sky daily.What could this mean? I began to build my “proof”which has proven out. At first… Continue reading The Lehman Brothers Two Theory
Today I am pleased to take a victory lap for my capability:I predicted Brexit,yesterday on my Twitter.Moreover a long run of exact predictions occurred before this some of them as follows: I described Angela Merkal as incompetent I called Putin’s attack of the Ukraine I predicted Bill Clinton’s tarnishment I predicted last January-on my Twitter… Continue reading Brexit
Recent Predictions That Came True
Before the week of March 3rd to March 14th-I warned those following me that during this period they could be fooled by what appeared to be true.That they could make major mistakes. On March 11th I told trader friends,on my Twitter-I thought that there would be a big shift on oil.When pressed by one-I predicted… Continue reading Recent Predictions That Came True