Hillary Clinton:An Addenum

Not I predicted in print that Hillary Clinton would show great vulnerability in the window of:March 3rd to March 14th,2016. Last night Hillary got some direct hits to her protected persona when a reporter from Univision asked her point blank what she would do if she;”got indicted”She refused to answer this,reasonable,question. In the same event… Continue reading Hillary Clinton:An Addenum

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Predictions That Came True

A note here on March 10,2016-re:my predictions on Donald Trump and the nature of this week for traders. Let it be noted that on the weekend Donald Trump did not continue to Trump in state contests.He and Cruz tied on this.This is becase as I stated and predicted during this window he is astrologically weakened:March… Continue reading Predictions That Came True

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Lehman Revisited

Today a trader commented that his patterns looked like 2008 and I replied on Twitter,explaining that is because it’s the exact same chart of the day Lehman tanked:September 15 2008.He sees it from his lengthy patterns and I see it from a repetition of the exact same chart-which has gotten magnified by this weeks timings.… Continue reading Lehman Revisited

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Donald Trump:An Update

On my Twitter yesterday I commented that: from March third to the fourteenth 2016- Donald Trump would be in the crosshairs in a way heretefore unheard of.This prediction was made directly after the Mitt Romney news conference at 9:30- where Mr Romney laid out his talking points against Trump. I predict here: that each of… Continue reading Donald Trump:An Update

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Hillary Clinton Updated

On this blog on February 29,2016. I predicted that Hillary Clinton would begin to take on meaningful hits to her persona.Read it to get the details. Last night America found out that the I.T. specialist who set up her private server,Bryan Pagliano was given immunity by the D.O.J. Individuals who follow me congratulated me on… Continue reading Hillary Clinton Updated

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Stock Market Update:Pull Pin Kaboom

This is the heads up to traders who value my take on matters financial.I am offering my written prediction here that I believe that markets stand a strong chance of a major negative event from March 3,2016 until March 14,2016. I ,sincerely,hope I am wrong but I have a track record for such predictions and… Continue reading Stock Market Update:Pull Pin Kaboom

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Hillary Clinton Now

In a previous post on this blog,I predicted that Hillary Clinton would begin to have physical problems and that Bill Clinton would lose his”bling”.Such has been the case.I wrote this before she evinced this. Now I am offering a new prediction for her:I am predicting that as early as this next week she can have… Continue reading Hillary Clinton Now

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War and Aggression 101:Astrological Aspects

When a planet enters a new sign it makes a statement we want to understand.Recently,Mars joined Saturn in the,sidereal zodiacal sign of Scorpio.Of course this is jibberish to you:what this means is that the planet of aggression and war,Mars and the planet of restriction and poverty are operating as a unit to create malevolent effects.… Continue reading War and Aggression 101:Astrological Aspects

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Romance:My Take

I receive numerous phone inquires from potential clients who want to know what my multifaceted approach in Astrology will give them:I offer clients charts from:Hellenistic Astrology-circa 400 B.C.,Vedic Astrology-the Astrology of India-circa 4000 years ago,Western Astrology-techniques developed in England in the 20th Century-The Faculty of Astrological Studies-trained me early on in my career in Western… Continue reading Romance:My Take

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China:An Addendum

I might as well toot my own horn:last January,2015,I predicted on my Twitter that China would have a precipitous hit of value in summer of 2015.I had a chart for China I believed in and I speak my truth. In late August this exact chart of China went off and the three and a half… Continue reading China:An Addendum

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