Many romantic partners have been trying desperately to maintain the status quo of their situations only to find that just a few days ago their realationship began to split into tiny particles. Why is this so,you ask? The answer is,because astrologically a time bomb is silently detonating these bonds.The planets have deemed it so. Within… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Somthing I Can Dance To:This Week:Nuclear Winter
Category: BLOG POSTS
Comparative Astrology:My Work
No doubt many of you have been disappointed by readings by astrologers who have offered you only Western Astrological chart readings.This is because character cannot be perceived in such a chart in much depth.This is the nature of the beast. What Western Astrology is superlative at however,is prediction in all forms:personal,for business events,events of country,weather… Continue reading Comparative Astrology:My Work
The Stylings of Hurricane Sandy
I am in the process of writing up an article for a magazine in India on our now illustrious hurricane,Sandy. She,as I said in the previous post,had a very focused will when she worked her power. Ketu,The South Node doing something-it is connected to dissolving things to smithereens and Rahu,The North Node,rode both sides of… Continue reading The Stylings of Hurricane Sandy
Chuck Hagel:A Machiavelli?
The chart for Mr Hagel’s nomination is a powerful oneĀ but is ominous. Covert modes of behavior will be the norm for him,if appointed. In this astrologers opinion,the Americain public will be kept in the dark about most of his more serious actions.He will serve the President ,in an Italian courtier once served in times… Continue reading Chuck Hagel:A Machiavelli?
There Be Monsters:Hurricane Sandy
Many who suffered the ravages of Hurricane Sandy and winter storm,Athena are certain that these storms were the gift of a random universe which just happened to descend upon their lives without any rhyme or reason:they would be surprised to find out this was not the case. The storm was the result of a series… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Hurricane Sandy
Romance Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Romance Revisited
For many focused on matters of romance,the glass has appeared lately to be half full.This is because for the last few weeks such people have been descending feet first down the long ladder down to the netherworld into the dark world of regret.This is as it should be,the planets circulating in a mordant tone through… Continue reading Romance Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Romance Revisited
Saturn In The Presidential Election
In the presidential contest now ensuing many astrologers are missing the key role played by the planet of :”veritas”:this is the planet,Saturn. In the charts of President Obama and Mr Romney it is carrying out is most important function,that of being the planet of testing:otherwise known as winnowing the truth.Which man is a person of… Continue reading Saturn In The Presidential Election
There Be Monsters:The Terror Plot Foiled In New York
We saw today a terror plot foiled in New York by the C.I.A.. Inquiring minds will want to know what the astrological elements of this denouement were.First of all we found the Sun in Libra nailed on the protective fixed star,Spica.Spica’s symbolism is a cluster of gathered wheat and it offers protection from harm. In… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Terror Plot Foiled In New York
Aphrodite’s Mirror:The Return of Goth
In the world of fashion there will be a return to the gothic! Batwing shapes,black leather,,black lace,capes of all kinds,elements of punk-goth-heavy metal biker references will be seen. There will be a postmodern twist to all of it,designers and stylistically intelligent fashionistas will play with pieces from times past,but this will be the tone. The… Continue reading Aphrodite’s Mirror:The Return of Goth
Greek Lots:Analogs For Ascendent Points
There has much puzzlement of late about how Greek lots are used,it is not so much of a difficulty if you consider some points. From the lot itself we count that lot as the first house and go from there.If the rules of negative houses aspect that lot the lot will be compromised and factors… Continue reading Greek Lots:Analogs For Ascendent Points