Pluto and Saturn Consort:Beware The Ides of Death!

Saturn and Pluto have recently assumed the position of living in each other’s signs.This is called a “mutual reception” in tropical astrological parlance and Vedically,it is called a “parivatana yoga’although traditional astrologers of both astrologies would not consider Pluto a planet worthy of this refinement. For me,Pluto will out! Its existence is obvious daily.When Pluto… Continue reading Pluto and Saturn Consort:Beware The Ides of Death!

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Greek and India:Are they siblings from the same Mother?

Graham Hancock in one of his books made the comment that the face of the Sphinx appears to have been exposed to water in large measure.The marks are not those of Sun and wind depredation,but those of water….. From this Mr Hancock surmises that the age of Egypt is many thousands of years older than… Continue reading Greek and India:Are they siblings from the same Mother?

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President Obama’s Presidential Standing

The previous blog post gives a substantial depiction of President Obama’s standing as President based on the chart of his speech in front of tonight’s convention.He gave it this night of September 6th 2012 at 10;20 P.M.,Charlotte,North Carolina.I stand by my reading of the timing I offered up as a hypothetical one,last night.It does not… Continue reading President Obama’s Presidential Standing

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Under The Lunar Eclipse:The Dems Convention

It is important to note that the democratic convention takes place under the shadow of a lunar eclipse,as the republican convention took place under a solar eclipse.This not positive for either one.Eclipses are an endarkenment of light.Light gives life on the Earth.An absense of it is always negative materially. The solar eclispe spawned the Hurricane… Continue reading Under The Lunar Eclipse:The Dems Convention

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An Addendum On The Michelle Obama Bill Clinton Speeches

I would like to add some other key points to my just posted article on the speeches i most recently opined about. There are some other features which Greek astrological parlance can describe. First we see the combustion by the Sun in Virgo with Mercury.It is a traitor to its sect,is in a feminine sign,but… Continue reading An Addendum On The Michelle Obama Bill Clinton Speeches

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Michelle Obama’s Speech Versus Bill Clinton’s

I was fascinating to see do a brief Greek look at the speeches of Ms.Obama and Mr Clinton.This is a sect reading for night charts whose leaders are :the Moon ,Mars and Venus.All the charts for the democratic and republican convention are such.They are not day charts in any way.These will be noctournal events….not diurnal,taking… Continue reading Michelle Obama’s Speech Versus Bill Clinton’s

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There Be Monsters:A Possible Data Problem Tomorrow

Tomorrow there may be a serious”flash crash” situation with stock market trades.Bankers need to beware and be careful!!!!i am not kidding. A combination of vapid mindsets in the techies mixed with fast complicated monetary exchanges of tomorrow might make another debacle.

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There Be Monsters:Predicting Hurricanes

For many of us who have done our research,Hurricane Isaac is not a surprise.It fits the classic pattern of the kind of large storms spawned by eclipse patterns.Now the Sun,the Nodes,Rahu and Ketu and Neptune in Pisces fill out the grand structure of a mutable cross-which holds the eclipse pattern from three months back. Eclipses… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Predicting Hurricanes

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There Be Monsters,Predictions Which Came True

Those of you who read my prediction on the IPO listing,Facebook ,will remember that it came true. I stated catagorically that because the chart of its launch time was deeply flawed, it would not do well.This is what happened. Astrology is a viable way to rank stocks,in the hands of capable astrologers like me,who work… Continue reading There Be Monsters,Predictions Which Came True

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Greek and Vedic Astrology:Brothers From The Same Mother?

It is clear to me from my research, that the Astrologies of India and Greece were once part of the same large structure. Both systems have whole sign houses,although Ptolemy might have utilized a variant whole sign house system because he appeared to have added a zone of five degrees whereby a planet had an… Continue reading Greek and Vedic Astrology:Brothers From The Same Mother?

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