The Healthcare Bill,in this astrologers opinion will not stand.It will light a match,already has,but will complete this process when Mars goes into Aries in early July,around the 4th. The Supreme Court handed the election to Mr Romney in passing it.All heck will break lose and the Americain people will take President Obama out of office,when… Continue reading The Healthcare Bill:An Astrological Prediction
Category: BLOG POSTS
New Predictions:Some Current Ideas
The following are some predictions on varied subjects: a.value will continue to be devalued until August,investors take note. b.there will be massive changes in telephones. c.horses will get an airbourne ,pnuemonia-like disease in the near future. d.President Obama,will continue to spiral more and more out of his teflon protected personna and will be vulnerable. e.corruption… Continue reading New Predictions:Some Current Ideas
A Crossroads In Presidential Authority:Will There Be A New Watergate?
The President is attempting to forge new powers for himself,as President of the United States.He is pitting himself with powers he is trying to assume against the other bodies which make up the governenment.For those who understand astrology and are versed on the Chart of the United States,this comes a no surprise. Whether we use… Continue reading A Crossroads In Presidential Authority:Will There Be A New Watergate?
Predictions Which Came True
My recent prediction about mega fires in the recent past came true:witness one of the largest wildfires of all time in Colorado. My recent prediction about the value of everything in the material world being devalued came true on Wednesday and is continuing wo unravel,with some of it hitting a bottom on the 28th of… Continue reading Predictions Which Came True
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Venus Occultation
Recently the airwaves have been awash in false information about the supposedly upbeat vista ahead with regard to matters romantic.This is absolute twaddle!!!!!! The recent trip of Venus across the face of the Sun,now retrograding back in the tropical sign of Gemini,with the South Node,Ketu is not going to bring anyone’s romance to a newer,higher,better… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Venus Occultation
Predictions Which Have Come True:Facebook and Prediction About J.P. Morgan
You will remember my prediction about Facebook,based on the exact time of it’s launch.I said it would burn up,like Icarus in the Sun.This is shown by today’s performance in the market. I,at the time of the J.P. Morgan meltdown posited that the governenment would make tracks to intensely regulated the banks.It would appear that this… Continue reading Predictions Which Have Come True:Facebook and Prediction About J.P. Morgan
The Eclipse of June 4th,2012
The effects of this eclipse will negatively affect the Catholic Church,bring legal fights over religious rights:legal distinctions between church and state,diminishment of Presidential power,allies of our country taking back deals they had with our country due to a lack of trust in the President,alot of intensity in the population of the country,many more transportation disasters… Continue reading The Eclipse of June 4th,2012
There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Have Come True
Let me offer up a partial list of my predictions of the recent year which have come true.With each of these,please note my written prediction was posted in print,well before the prediction came true.this was to show the accuracy of my work. Some of the predictions which have have come true are:the prediction given in… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Have Come True
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Eclipse
For those in love, beware the Ides of June:the eclipse of June 4th, 2012,effects of which will start to occur in the upcoming week! May all the words to your beloved be chosen carefully,lest they destroy your romance in arrows of negativity! No,I am not exaggerating! Words spoken in anger will not be able to… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Eclipse
Facebook:Why It Burnt Up
On Friday at 10:30 A.M. as the Facebook trade commenced its turn on the public stage as an I.P.O. investors who have no knowledge of Astrology eagerly awaited a positive outcome for the event.This igorance did not serve them well! They should take a leaf from the books which describe the fall of Icarus during… Continue reading Facebook:Why It Burnt Up