Along with the full compliment of Traditional astrological toolkit factors of normal use,some of us of the Traditional Pursuasion have been known to also use detail from our lore which is not commonly cited. On this occaision,I would like to bring up the use of comets as harbengers of the fall of tyrants.This is quite… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Lions And Tigers And Comets Oh My!
Category: BLOG POSTS
There Be Monsters:The European Union Pact
Many people in the know are watching carefully to see if the United States will commit taxpayer money to totally backstop all European debt,if the pact of the European Union fails. Today,in Germany,Timothy Giethner was asked point blank by the German’s if America would do so.Already,the IMF,is backed by 17 percent by the money of… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The European Union Pact
There Be Monsters:The Stockmarket:The Baloon Gets Punctured
I patiently began to predict what I called the “perfect storm of rolling negative factors in the stock market in January of 2011.This was based on my own research and my perusal of the charts of many countries,including or own and that of China. This negative outlook has indeed proven to have bourne fruit.Right now… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Stockmarket:The Baloon Gets Punctured
Pffffttt!!!!The Mercury Retrograde Combustion:A Moth To The Flame
Many of you may think you are in an ordinary world, in the next few weeks and will try to conduct your worldly affairs.You will think your efforts will be carried out,with ordinary success,but you will be quite quite wrong! The setting up of all matters commencing this Wednesday night,Pacific time,after 11;21 P.M. and concluding… Continue reading Pffffttt!!!!The Mercury Retrograde Combustion:A Moth To The Flame
There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Came True:China
Those of you who follow my financial predictions and predictions on the astrology of nations will have noticed my recent blog posts on China. I said recently that the economy of China would slow,almost immediately and this will cause the government of China so much agony their may be another regime. The press has reported… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Came True:China
A Postscript On The Deaths Of Jimi Hendrix And Janis Joplin
It is fascinating to note that both stars died in 1970,when Rahu and Ketu,the North and South Nodes respectively came to an exact opposition to their natal places in their charts.This functioned as a cutting of the web of the Moiras,the Greek weavers of the skeins of life.When this opposition happened their effect was to… Continue reading A Postscript On The Deaths Of Jimi Hendrix And Janis Joplin
More Predictions Which Came True:China
To all my loyal readers.I have written something for you to brag to your friends about and those who scoff at my field! My prediction on China’s economy being in serious peril came true.Today we see it! They are refraining from taking a hand in the European domino effect meltdown of Greece,going to Italy,going to… Continue reading More Predictions Which Came True:China
There Be Monsters:Greece,An Addendum To My Other Prediction
Readers of this blog and readers of the nation of Greece,who foloowed along,will remember well my previous accurate prediction,that the government of Greece would fall or be reconfigured on June 15th,2011.When this proved true many liked this. I adore Greece,have tried to learn Greek,can at least read the language out loud,and love Greek culture completely,that… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Greece,An Addendum To My Other Prediction
New Predictions Which Have Come True:Terrorism Prediction
Last week on my facebook page,I wrote the casual prediction that the aspects presaged a terrorist attempt in the near future.This is what the aspects said to me. I was delighted to see this prediction bourne out this week. Three bumbling,elderly gentlemen attempted in their clunky way to carry out a right wing extremeist terror… Continue reading New Predictions Which Have Come True:Terrorism Prediction
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
The fiery dance of romance will not be as fiery as usual.Females and and those who are of a feminine nature,will want to opt for new partners.They may travel or hang out with their close friends,cracking jokes:after all Venus has now gone from the sign of Scorpio into that of Sagittarius:from angst to singing in… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To