I love Might Mouse because he find such joy in fighting evil.You know there are bad things and people in the world enough for us all to be grim about and even,oftentimes to have fear in regard to,but Mozart was right it is logical and most excellent fun to realize that life is a… Continue reading Why I Adore Mighty Mouse So Darn Much!
Category: BLOG POSTS
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Love Them And Leave Them!
Today many concerned with matters romantic have just rejected their male paramours.This is because the Moon in Taurus approaching a conjunction with Jupier in Taurus has just squared the Sun,now in the first degrees of Leo.This means:blow by blow descriptionwise for those not in the know,that emotionally people who respected themselves highly who are… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Love Them And Leave Them!
The Hamlet Dilemna:A Soliloquy
Many people hesitate to make a decision,thinking that putting off a major decision:biding their time until they reach the quintessential moment when a light bulb will go off in their brain and perfect cognition of the matter they are trying to solve will suddenly disclose itself,as if by magic! They,ironically think their problem plus… Continue reading The Hamlet Dilemna:A Soliloquy
Rupert Murdoch’s Situation
Mr Murdoch’s denouement is not surprising! The Solar Eclipse of July 2011,fell in his seventh house of open enemies and close partners! In this house he has an exalted Jupiter,Mars in its fall and Pluto.Also he has Capricorn rising and Uranus in a Cardinal sign. Yesterday I described the kind of person who… Continue reading Rupert Murdoch’s Situation
The Cardinal Signs:Leaders Par Excellence
Charts of leaders are not difficult to vet.Unless a person has a preponderence of planets in Cardinal Signs:Aries,Cancer,Libra or Capricorn,they simply do not have what it takes to be an excellent leader! Cardinal Sign individuals make decisions boldly,quickly, decisively and are the superlative leaders for this reason.This is not a matter open to debate… Continue reading The Cardinal Signs:Leaders Par Excellence
Balancing Acts
Sometimes people will be attracted to each other because they lack the traits the opposite person has.This can be a magnetizing polarity but can also lead to continuous seesaws of emotion.The most reasonable way to deal with this is to seek a balance internally.the other person has trait you lack but don’t yet own.That… Continue reading Balancing Acts
The Making Of A Shaman:Phoenix Or Dead Soul
The markings in a tropical or Vedic Chart which set up the trajectory which might create a shaman are well known to sophisticated astrologers whose subject this is.I like to think I am one of them. The markings are not ambiguous:Pluto on an angle possibly,planets in the eighth house,strong Sun combusting planets which cause… Continue reading The Making Of A Shaman:Phoenix Or Dead Soul
There Be Monsters:The Stock Market
At the risk of fulminating ad nausium I repeat once more beware of investing in the stock market just now.You might want to consider parking your money somewhere else:in a place where it is not in a feeder spout to a burn pile! I am not a stock broker,so you need to check with… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Stock Market
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Combustion
Today the Moon in Capricorn moving to complete its Full Moon opposition to the Sun will prove intense for some,but hey, the cardinal placements ongoing,are mostly to blame for a general feeling of ennui in the population.In romance, they want what they want,when they want it. Now,because cardinality works that way with the planets:Uranus… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Combustion
The Mighty Mouse Chronicles:A Fable Of Pluto
Walt Disney the person who gave birth to the cartoon realm which featured many cartoon character’s of import had a chart of the birthdate:December 5 1901,12;05 A.M. CST Chicago,Illinois. “Walt” Disney had Virgo rising at 19 degrees 45′,a M.C. at 17 degrees Gemini and Pluto at 17 degrees Gemini nailed exactly on his… Continue reading The Mighty Mouse Chronicles:A Fable Of Pluto