Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Earth Signs

  For those who are interacting with people who have a preponderance of Earth signs in their chart:Taurus,Virgo or Capricorn,note well,if you do not share this trait with them,they will certainly drive you nuts,before you unravel what they are thinking.While you wait for this process,which is like watching molasses drip from a bottle,you will very… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Earth Signs

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Hellenistic Astrology

    The actual manuscripts of Classical Greek Astrologyhave a freshness and beauty to them which gives comfort to the soul of the reader.Pythagorean mathematical underpinnings,geometric juxtapositions, make the world of the Gods and Goddesses come alive! To be at play in the riddling fields of this knowledge, is to be set free from the boredom,ennui… Continue reading Hellenistic Astrology

Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Troglodytes Continued

   In the world of romance there are many types of actors,the most boring of which are the type who are so arrogant that they think that because they are so magnetic that they can break all the rules of manners and still do well,because this will make them more “potent”.This is one of the… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Troglodytes Continued

There Be Monsters:The Calm After The Solar Eclipse

 After July 6th,many will notice an almost noticeable calm,after the events of the last eleven days.This is no accident,it is the effect ending of this truly horrific eclipse which included negative aspects in the sky.For this reason,it affected everyone in the world.It brought relationships to an end,made people sick,made people think their previous ideas were… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Calm After The Solar Eclipse

Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Troglodytes

    It is easy to spot the troglodytes of the predatory world,who consider romance sexual domination.These people,once they obtain their human prey,throw them back,because they don’t actually love the people they pursue,they only chase them for sport.Many of these have Scorpionic proclivities and view romance as  sexual domination.        I once told a Scorpio frenemy… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Troglodytes

Hellenistic Astrology:Vetius Valens A Factoid

   Tonight I was,once again, reading a manuscript of Vetius Valens, when I noticed something he wrote about the Nodes.Vetius Valens,was a jewish astrologer ,who walked across the desert, from Egypt in roughly 400 B.C into Greece.He wrote in a riddling style to throw off readers who would use his knowledge for ill.His knowledge is… Continue reading Hellenistic Astrology:Vetius Valens A Factoid

There Be Monsters:Prediction

    Astrology is a symbolic language based on the positions of the planets and stars in the sky.It is a divine knowledge given to mankind from the higher power.Since astrologers are human and subject to the vicissitudes of being human,we can make mistakes in our interpretations of this wonderful art,this does not mean that the… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Prediction

There Be Monsters:The Eclipse

    I do not want to be labeled the new pigpen: a baby creature,with a squirrely black hapo overhead at all times,but I am here to tell you,this eclipse is not positive in many ways.It simply cannot be made so.      There will be new problems with real estate matters:of course,we need to distinguish between… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Eclipse

Romance Give Me Something I Can Dance To

  Re;the musical,Company, by Steven Sondheim,is,the sarcastic saga of  Bobby who is everyone’s friend, but nobody’s fool,he thinks.    Word up y’all check this perfoemance tour de force out! It rocks!    Bobby is everything to everybody but has an empty core because he is afraid to be vulnerable;he has had so many plates in… Continue reading Romance Give Me Something I Can Dance To

Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Cupid and Psyche

     Perhaps there is an idealism to what I am saying but I will sya it anyway:true love is based on trust.      If you read the myth of Cupid and Psyche,this idea is explicated with poetic simplicity.Psyche,a beautiful,innocent woman falls in love with the God of love who shoots the arrows of infatuation.He visits… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Cupid and Psyche

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