One of the reasons I took up the study of Vedic Astrology,after learning Western Astrology,is that I found it did not sufficiently reveal what made people tick.Vedic Astrology,on the other hand,does not have this problem,it many times is like a “flow chart”of how someone is.This is useful when winnowing out negative people. What… Continue reading Vedic Astrology:What Makes Someone Evil
Category: BLOG POSTS
What You Would Know If You Were An Astrologer
What you would know if you practised Astrology is that families have patterns which iterate through their charts:not unlike a DNA RNA double helix.A child might be born with chart markings almost identical to a parent and might be continuing to work out a pattern which came from an ancestor.No doubt,they have no idea… Continue reading What You Would Know If You Were An Astrologer
Vedic Astrology 101
Vedic Astrology,the astrology of India,which passed to humanity four thousand years ago,or so,is the astrology most appropriate for describing information about character.This sophisticated system cannot be described,it needs to be experianced to be comprehended. To begin with we want to discuss the nodes of the Moon:Rahu and Ketu.Rahu,the north node of the Moon… Continue reading Vedic Astrology 101
Masculinity and Femininity:The Connundrum
On Saturday night I listened to a lecture by the witty astrologer,Michael Lutin,which dealt with the always fascinating topic of what makes someone male or female;as well as the discussion of whether an astrologer,using the tools of the trade can actually perceive such knowledge.I am glad he raised the issue and would like to… Continue reading Masculinity and Femininity:The Connundrum
Life:”I can’t go on,I must go on…”Samuel Beckett
Many cast about for proof that they do not live in a random universe.Their faith may be hypothetical,but without a counterveiling correlative in the material realm they can get no purchase on it.Albert Einstein was looking for proof that G’d existed but before he discovered the material facts which gave himhis informed view of… Continue reading Life:”I can’t go on,I must go on…”Samuel Beckett
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Dignity
For many of us who have a preponderance of planets in fire signs,or at least enough of one to have the traits described or have a fixed star giving fiery traits of pride,like,Regulus,pride is a big factor in our romantic persona.We are not haughty,overbearing,or arrogant:instead we have alot of dignity,self respect and knowledge of… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Dignity
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
If someone has a chart in which many planets are in signs which are mutable:Gemini,Virgo,Sagittarius,or Pisces,they think those they are trying to romance will accept fickleness and capriciousness as acceptable behavior.For them,having more than one option on the table romantically makes sense:if one proves flawed, the other,is ready to go! Who could find a… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
Predictions Which Have Come True:Greece:There Be Monsters
On this blog,I predicted that on or about June 15th,the government of Greece would fall.I should add,that the unwinding of this prediction still has legs for five more days. What we see,is that this prediction has already partially come true.The President of Greece,offered to resign yesterday,whenhis resignation wasn’t accepted,he attempted to fire and… Continue reading Predictions Which Have Come True:Greece:There Be Monsters
There Be Monsters:Food Is The New Oil
Make no mistake about it.The storms,which have been destroying the grain and other crops will continue for a time.This will decimate the world’s food supply.Of course,you will remember my predictions made on this blog and BNI Embarcadero members,will remember my predictions in front of them,that:”wheat would skyrocket due to decimation from storms”.These predictions which… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Food Is The New Oil
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
Michaeal Lutin has written an instructive comment about Saturn in Libra,just turning direct,where it resides in its exaltation.He explains it will either make new romances go deep or blow up old ones,who cannot winnow out properly.I like this idea very,very much! I would add,if other factors are looked at,readers will also notice in… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To