There Be Monsters:The Earthquake

My readers might be interested to know that I predicted an earthquake for San Francisco three months prior,which occured at a mild leval. Three months later,this effect has just gone off again and although no large effect seems apparant,there will be some negative effects for the next week in the mood of San Franciscans. We… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Earthquake

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Some of My Predictions:Some Veriifications

In a BNI Embaricadaro Business meeting,I predicted in front of fifty nine business people that an intense”weather event would occur around the date of March 11th 2011″ My friend,Phil Seigal was kind enough to give me credit for this prediction within our email circle. At the time,I also predicted wheat crops would skyrocket,due to weather.… Continue reading Some of My Predictions:Some Veriifications

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There Be Monsters:The Next Large Storm

   There will be another large storm,of strong effects,the week of June first 2011.Set your clock by it.    This is not the time then,for those that normally make large trips across the United States to count on the weather being protective of them.If possible,schedule around this week,so as to not get stuck in it.… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Next Large Storm

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Explosive Metamorphosis

Now,in the world at large there will be explosive change.Power will shift,almost immediately in many venues.The change will be sweeping and quite stark. Darwinian tactics will be the mode of operation in this period of time to transform things for positive and negative purposes equally.This will be unnerving,but change must occur for the entire world… Continue reading Explosive Metamorphosis

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Be Careful of False Narcissism in the Scrutiny of Others

Many times all of us,from modesty chose close friends and other significant others in our lives who have no actual idea who we actually are. We make pick them because they are haughty,famous,rich etcetera,etcetra,etcetera…..Yadda,yadda,yadda. These people because of their ridiculous self love:narcissism-remember Narcissus fell in love with his own image and died of hunger because… Continue reading Be Careful of False Narcissism in the Scrutiny of Others

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The Entrepreneur As Artist

Many times original people with extraordinary artistic temperments bring into existence that which has never been invented before. When they did this,they had to defy all odds,and were viewed as oddballs and renegades by many.Yet,the braved the elements and brought their new,artistic progeny into being. Instead of realizing that they have never given up their… Continue reading The Entrepreneur As Artist

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There Be Monsters

Many things will come to a head by the end of the month:political standoffs,the denouement in the Middle East,the expansionistic view of the stock market and a feeling that things are under control in general. We do not know the abcs of how the expansionsitic expression in the world will implode,but we do know that… Continue reading There Be Monsters

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Romance:Why The Signs Can’t Dance To It

Arians are too aggressive too fast and are too impatient for an answer immediately.They mow down the other.They are a cardinal sign,ruled by the planet of aggression,Mars. Taureans are suspicious of weird things the other person is not doing and clueless about who they actually are,because Taurus is a fixed sign and fixed signs keep… Continue reading Romance:Why The Signs Can’t Dance To It

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Romance Today:At Best A Checkhovian Dialogue

Checkhov,the famous playright was famous for the skewed dialogues he gave his tortured characters.Even when supposedly attempting operatically tocommunicate with each other,each character speaks from their own narcissism,words which relate only to their own view,not that of the:”beloved” this is what makes his writing come-tragedy.The romantic couple do not know they will never have a… Continue reading Romance Today:At Best A Checkhovian Dialogue

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My Old Kentucky Home:Why This Is Not A Song People Want To Dance To.

     Kentucky is a lady aging, like a fallen Blanche Dubois,get out the violins “y’all……” slapping makeup on her won’t fix her now.She is too far gone.This is because of the people who run he,:her “pimps” the corrupt politicians who have crafted laws which do not protect the horse industry from harm and who do… Continue reading My Old Kentucky Home:Why This Is Not A Song People Want To Dance To.

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