June,brings bodily affliction which can cause,sciatica,intestinal problems,lung ailments,and foot problems. Care should be taken,when traveling about water,taken by mouth and shower.Bottled water is best,to avoid water bourne pathogens.Hands should be washed continuously after being in crowds. To avoid pneumonia,which is high risk,through June,it is best to steam the head with a pot… Continue reading Medical Metaphysics:Some Musings
Category: BLOG POSTS
There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Came True
Many moons ago,in my business group:BNI Embarcadero,a group of sixty business people who meet to help each other every week:a breakfast club,I predicted that on June 1st there would be a very large storm pattern. My friend,Phil Siegal,the P.R. person in the group,mailed this prediction to the San Francisco Chronicle reporter, Lea Garchik,to… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Came True
There Be Monsters:An Earthquake:Where?
I in my previous blog post posted my recent forecast of June 15th for possible earthquake and storm events,but failed to say where such events might take place! Sorry! I am giving the locations of:San Francisco and Los Angeles for this event scenario.
There Be Monsters:June 15th:An Earthquake?
From June 10th to June 20th,there will be a higher than probablity chance of an earthquake.The peak of intensity for this will be the day of June 15th,in the afternoon. Moreover,at the same time,a higher than normal risk of storms with dangerous lightning and fierce rain,will exist. No astrologer can say with complete… Continue reading There Be Monsters:June 15th:An Earthquake?
There Be Monsters:Greece
It will not be surprising to those you care about the fate of the marvelous country of Greece,where the concept of Democracy was conceived,that when its tropical chart of 1974 is examined,it will immediately be seen that the fulcrum of power resides with others:Pluto in Capricorn, is in the seventh house of enemies and… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Greece
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Eclipse
On June First,a solar eclipse will occur in the sign of the Twins,Gemini and it is showtime! In romance let the sophistication begin the beguine.Those in love can go out dancing,like Fred and Ginger;dress in his and hers,hers and hers,his and his outfits,or simply relate as equals.This is the twinkletoe time for such lightheartedness…..… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:The Eclipse
There Be Monsters:The Market
Unfortunately,Jupiter has left the building.He,kept the hot air aloft which held up the market and markets in other countries.Now,in my opinion,the stock market will not remain idiot proof.There will be a distinct chill:now the real winter,sent out by exalted,retrograde,Saturn in mid sign will send visions of pessimism and risk abroad. What to do.Realize… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Market
The Gift Of Astrology
I would just like to make a comment on why I practise Astrology and why doing so is the purpose of my life. When I started to study the field I had no idea of what I would eventually find in its landscape.There are many Astrologies of the World.I have been fortunate enough… Continue reading The Gift Of Astrology
There Be Monsters:Enter Doubt Onto The World Stage
Now that Jupiter no longer has drishti on Saturn,to speak in Vedic terms,for a second,the World has become suddently worried.A feeling of doubt has overwhelmed them.This is not surprising with this astrological change. Saturn tropically:meaning in the tropical zodiac now resides in its exaltation,Libra,although retrograde.In the sidereal zodiac,he resides in Virgo.Recently Jupiter,recently went… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Enter Doubt Onto The World Stage
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
Readers who,as a rule,read the Sun Sign pablum available in the press now,might never avail themselves of a decent astrological reading because they have no idea the depth of knowledge they could obtain. Even one kind of astrological reading of a person or a situation cannot,by itself show all the facets of a… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To