There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Came True

   Now those that read my blog can see that almost all of my published predictions have come true.They were precise,detailed and given long before what happened came to pass.     I in my thirty five year practise,have looked at over thirty five thousand astrological charts and done my own research.Although I have read many… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Predictions Which Came True

Fashion:Artisitic Stylings

   I am pulling for the royal couple to triumph over their badly timed wedding chart.This astrologer hopes that nature will triumph over envirnment here and protect them from romantic harm.Clearly,an astrologer had nothing to do with their wedding chart,or if they did,they are incompetent.    On the bright side though,we have the fashion fanfare… Continue reading Fashion:Artisitic Stylings

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Predictions Which Have Come True

    Those readers who follow this blog will note my prediction that current crops for farmers would become water logged from numerous flooding storms.Obviously this has been the case with the recent tornadoes.    I also predicted that animals of all kinds:fish,birds,large animals and small animals would get sick this year or be subjected to… Continue reading Predictions Which Have Come True

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There Be Monsters:Future Storm Predictions

    Readers of this blog are wondering why the feral tornadic storms are continuing to strike.There are two astrological patterns now why are fueling them and they are rare.    The  first factor is the North and South Nodes in a tea-square with the planet,Uranus in Aries.This causes the instability of winds with an intermittent… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Future Storm Predictions

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Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Rejection

     This astrologer finds the timing of the royal wedding ironic, because the aspects for romance are not stellar at the moment.In fact,they are downright icy.The planet Venus,the planet of women and love is moving into an opposition with the planet,Saturn,the planet of coldness.     Venus resides currently in the sign,Aries with,Jupiter,Mars,Mercury and Uranus.Aries the… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Rejection

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Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Marriage?

Those of us who astrologically consult people who are contemplating marriage,are shaking our heads about the upcoming nuptuals of the adorable couple to be! We know the royal couple have never had proper astrological help,as I have said before,because the chart of the royal marriage contains factors that should not be locked in!Instead of putting… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Marriage?

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Predictions Which Came True:There Be Monsters

Readers of my blog have read my warning about the stock market.Today they can see what I was talking about again on the second wake up call event. I am not telling people to not invest in the market.I am warning them that the basic paradigms they considered try and true have changed.For this reason… Continue reading Predictions Which Came True:There Be Monsters

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There Be Monsters:Really?

If we look at the entire Earth as G’d’s circular piece of art,the question comes to mind now what is the higher power communicating to us on its surface…. The Fukushiman incident-fiery as it was,embodying fire,death,radioctivity and destruction was the when G’d struck a match of fire to send a message that transformation is beginning:on… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Really?

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Predictions Which Have Come True

   Well before the Fukushima debacle this astrologer did predict the stock market would not stay high.I described it as a “perfect storm” of “rolling negative events”.Yes not too,too shabby!   The hot air holding up the market has now cooled.   This doesn’t mean that stocks don’t have merit,only that,in this astrologer’s opinion new… Continue reading Predictions Which Have Come True

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There Be Monsters:Israel and Iran

    Pluto and the planets in Aries set the stage for a quick change in Isreal’s attitude to Iran.Apparantly,according to the press,Iran is now making radiation product,which could be used to build a bomb.    The Israelis have played nice with them but now they probably will have to take action in the near future.The… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Israel and Iran

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