The Royal Wedding:Probably Unplanned By An Astrologer

The Royal family of England has had a long history of hiring well schooled British astrologers to set up the exact timing timing charts for pretty much all of their nuptuals,but in this case,this seems an impossibility.Too much is wrong with this chart. A confluence of planets reside in the sign of Aries,which will encourage… Continue reading The Royal Wedding:Probably Unplanned By An Astrologer

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Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To….

For those of you suffering romantic angst,a word to you! Don’t bother to think you completely understand the dynamics of your current relationship. The planetary aspects now creating sadistic musical stylings to everyones emotional structure,make it impossible for final conclusions to be formed decently.None of us are capable of seeing all the wherefores of the… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To….

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Lions and Tigers and Birds Oh My….

You heard it here first,birds,fish,horses and other animals of sizes and shapes will fill the news for the next year. Animals will have weird illnesses,do strange things,get sick with illnesses that spread quickly,many times with airbourne or waterbourne germs or viruses. Moreover,their will be off migratory behaviors of the aforesaid creatures.People who love them should… Continue reading Lions and Tigers and Birds Oh My….

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There Be Monsters:More Effects From The Timing of March 11th

The earthquake effects unleashed today are probably still rolling along.An “orb,”or time frame of five more days will bring what was started today forward. Earthquakes may pop up during this time,especially in China and continue in the places already set off. China as a country is under extreme transformation.Thier chance of violent revolution,earthquakes and catastrophic… Continue reading There Be Monsters:More Effects From The Timing of March 11th

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There Be Monsters:The Earthquake

My readers might be interested to know that I predicted an earthquake for San Francisco three months prior,which occured at a mild leval. Three months later,this effect has just gone off again and although no large effect seems apparant,there will be some negative effects for the next week in the mood of San Franciscans. We… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Earthquake

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Some of My Predictions:Some Veriifications

In a BNI Embaricadaro Business meeting,I predicted in front of fifty nine business people that an intense”weather event would occur around the date of March 11th 2011″ My friend,Phil Seigal was kind enough to give me credit for this prediction within our email circle. At the time,I also predicted wheat crops would skyrocket,due to weather.… Continue reading Some of My Predictions:Some Veriifications

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There Be Monsters:The Next Large Storm

   There will be another large storm,of strong effects,the week of June first 2011.Set your clock by it.    This is not the time then,for those that normally make large trips across the United States to count on the weather being protective of them.If possible,schedule around this week,so as to not get stuck in it.… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Next Large Storm

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Explosive Metamorphosis

Now,in the world at large there will be explosive change.Power will shift,almost immediately in many venues.The change will be sweeping and quite stark. Darwinian tactics will be the mode of operation in this period of time to transform things for positive and negative purposes equally.This will be unnerving,but change must occur for the entire world… Continue reading Explosive Metamorphosis

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