“Cold Readings”
More about Cold Readings
A “cold reading” is a reading Maralyn invented where the client gives her only their day, month and year of birth, exact time and location of birth and nothing more. From this Maralyn reads many charts for them “cold”. The client knows they told her nothing else. Maralyn gives them a complex reading using Vedic, Hellenistic, western and sometimes British Horary astrological charts which offers the client an in-depth description of what makes them tick.
The reading showcases what gifts they have and is really useful when a client is unclear about what profession to go into, which can happen even in mid-life when they need to change their life. It describes whether they are a leader, follower, or should work alone. Many of the events in the life of the client are described. The people in their life are also considered: Father, mother, siblings, romantic partners, enemies, etc. There is much inspiration available to the client from this type of character reading. It is very popular.
Relocation Readings
Relocation readings are consultations about placing the client in different locations to explain what factors in the charts are emphasized. These charts are read as if they were born there and insights given. Sometimes the client is told to relocate by their boss or sometimes they are considering a change of location for a certain reason known to them. This reading will help them judge what such a location will do to their life. Realize that different planets in their charts will be emphasized in the new location. This could be good or bad depending upon what those planets rule. This reading helps clients judge if they want to make such a relocation.
Electional Readings
An electional reading is a reading where Maralyn is hired to give the client the best time to start things astrologically she can come up for them within whatever time window they offer to maximize their chance of success. Many do not know such work can be done by an astrologer because astrology is presently in a ‘dark age’, but in previous ages such timing charts were the most important reason to have an astrologer. Kings and Queens did not start important actions until their astrologer gave them an astrological start time. For example, when Queen Elizabeth was crowned she tasked her astrologer, John Dee, to pick the exact time the crown was placed on her head. His chart emphasized her good traits so that she would have a more viable reign.
Rulers always had the charts of their sons or daughters looked at by the court astrologer to know what they were likely to do and the court astrologer ran the charts of potential generals to lead a military campaign for timing in the year ahead. If those charts looked troubled another general was chosen and the start times for the beginning of the campaign and each battle were described by the court astrologer to the general and the royalty involved. The superlative astrologers of those previous golden eras of astrology were well able to offer such advice. Electional timing was their most important capability and they were good at it.
Picking the start time for the founding of a company; launching an IPO, getting married; closing on a house; having an operation on a decent electional time matters. Bad charts yield a high degree of failure. To some extent the reason that a lot of electional work was done is the past is that people had astrologers around them who had high capability to create such charts and they were used to having them done for such purposes.
These charts are not a magic bullet. There are some clients who have a negative setup for making money. Many times this can’t be fixed; however, it is worthwhile attempting to overturn that bad luck by having start times chosen astrologically.

Traumatic Events Revisited
A reading to cast the charts of a bad period of time can be of great use to the client. The charts of the associated parties at the time of the event with their own charts can help them go back in time. By having the insights of Astrology helping them process the scene much can be gleaned. It is certainly worth the effort.
To give an example: Maralyn had a reading with a woman whose son was shot to death. Maralyn looked at his birth charts and ran the chart for when he died. She showed it to the mother who was shocked to see that the eighth house of death had many planets in it at the time of death. This showed the mother it was his chosen time to die.
Relationship Readings: The Charts of Two People Compared
This is a reading where the charts of two people are compared for compatibility. These two people could be potential marriage partners, enemies, a person’s charts compared to a corporation they may be looking at for a new job, charts compared to a family member. Basically, comparisons to anyone. The many charts Maralyn uses are worked with in this reading for maximum depth: Vedic, Hellenistic and western charts are used for this.

Consultations for Newborn Babies or Readings for Children
Readings of the Hellenistic, Vedic and western variety are delved into as compared to the parents. Usually the child will continue traits the parent and family line have. This is explained. These charts from the three astrologies are used to discuss whatever large pattern is being expressed by parents, and their child — it is always there and the exact charts of the baby or child are described to explain what makes them unique. Tips for talking to them and ideas for their health can also be discussed.
Vedic Consultations
Maralyn just reads the Vedic charts for the client and gives an, in-depth discussion of what they say. The client’s gifts of good and bad events in the life and character are gone into.
Hellenistic Chart Readings
The client’s Hellenistic chart is read for character and timings.
Western Chart Readings
Just the western charts are read, including timing charts for the future.
An Horary Chart Reading
A chart is cast for the time a question comes into the client’s mind and is set for their location. Using the rules of Horary astrology it is read. These charts are used sparingly.

Corporate Or Business Consultations
The charts for the time a corporation or business began at its location is read in the consult. They would be in Vedic, Hellenistic and western astrological modes. Also the charts for the C.E.O. would be read and compared.
It is important to find out if the C.E.O. is passing through a bad time with timing. If this is so this should be discussed. Bad astrological setups for the corporation and the C.E.O. are a recipe for problems. Maralyn will describe what she sees in such charts and give advice on how to deal with this.
She can also put teams together for corporations that mesh well. Relationships that exist currently can be gone into and advice given.
Ideas can be given about how to do well with trends in the future. Ideas about timing and campaigns can be discussed. Even such things as the use of colors in advertising might prove useful. The client is welcome to bring their own questions and matters to Maralyn for custom chart readings.
As well as this the charts of countries can be read-brought up to date. If a client has a lot of business in that country or in many countries the comparison to their charts will be informative. Do they have stocks that depend on China for example? Or, do they manage a corporation which manufactures parts in several countries? This is important to look into.
For Attorneys and Realtors
The charts for the participants in a trial can be read. The start time of the trial can be read as a chart. Also the charts of the judge, opponent and opponent’s counsel. To some extent the physical features of the jurors can be opined about. Readings about how best to present a defense will be useful based on the astrological atmosphere around the trial.
For Realtors
Charts for realtors, buyers, sellers, agents, lenders, lending institutions, and even the properties themselves can be read to provide useful insights regarding likelihood of loan and settlement success, attendance to purpose, success or failure. Charts can illuminate otherwise darkness in these important matters.
Readings For Headhunters
The charts for prospective candidates can be read for suitability: It is quite easy to pick the candidates that will make good C.E.O. material; or suitable researchers; or really brilliant potential C.E.O.s.
Readings For Financial Market Traders
It is useful for traders to have their charts for the year judged to see if it will be a year they could receive unlooked for losses or not. Maralyn can also read the charts of corporations. She is known for her large trend predictions for the market.
She offers readings for products that are launched. For example her read of the launch of the Apple X where she said it would be a lemon was accurate. She has posted, in writing, many predictions for large trends in the market.