Last year on my Twitter account in January I predicted that China would have a large crash of money in early summer.No one said a word.My words were ignored-until August 24th 2015 when my prediction was fully realized and my description comprehended. About a month ago on Twitter I told traders that this same chart… Continue reading China:Look Out For “Fireworks”
Category: BLOG POSTS
BILLARY:The Siamese Twins
The BILLARY Siamese twin setup has worked wonders for them so far.If one side if the twin appears to usher in favoritism;the other side of the twin accepting money-for apparent ‘charity”purposes.They have appeared to have plausible deniability because they are not CONJOINED,Yet,the thing is,they were all along,joined in their nether regions by the same root.One… Continue reading BILLARY:The Siamese Twins
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Stealth’ Announcement
If you were a greenhorn in the field of Astrology you would think the launch chart for the Hillary Clinton campaign offered all the good elements:like a tropically ‘exalted”Sun in Aries and Venus in tropical Gemini ,in the tenth house,but you would be wrong because inception charts,charts of beginning a matter are complex.They have to… Continue reading Hillary Clinton’s ‘Stealth’ Announcement
IRAN:The Connundrum of Nuclear Weapons
The global chessboard of the Middle East is the scene of the one of the most dangerous games to be played in the 21st Century:that of a nuclear arms power standoff.We see it beginning to appear on the board;see the pieces of the two sides in the beginning of the “gambits”but we do not yet… Continue reading IRAN:The Connundrum of Nuclear Weapons
The Germanairwings Crash
A couple of days ago on my Twitter space I remarked that it looked probable that the pilot of the plane deliberately set it up to crash.The chart showed rage was potentially on the mind of the pilot.The Moon had just passed its location on the Arabic fixed star,Caput Algol,which is traditionally associated with violent… Continue reading The Germanairwings Crash
Hillary Clinton:Clintonapocalypse
The chart of Hilary Clinton has never been that of a strong leader;nor has it offered attributes of charm,like her Teflon coated husband.She is a person averse to change,fixed in her core beliefs:a person who cannot turn on a dime.When adversity strikes her she freezes unable to pivot.She does not even vacillate but instead freezes… Continue reading Hillary Clinton:Clintonapocalypse
New Predictions:A Summation of Recent Ones
Recently,on my Twitter Account:Maralyn Burstein,I posted a prediction for January 14th 2015 to February 14th 2015 that there would be;”reversals,up and down in technology and phones” and other sections of the market.What happened? Apple skyrocketed;Qualcomm tanked-with a huge fine in China and Twitter struck deal with Google.The rest of the market showed huge surges up… Continue reading New Predictions:A Summation of Recent Ones
The Stock Market Results:There Be Monsters:Accuracy
Those that are ardent fans of my work will see that my prediction posted on this blog on September 21,2014 about what would happen in the market in America and worldwide projections came true IN ALL RESPECTS.Even down to fine detail! I posted my predictions obtained WHOLLY by my methods in the field of Astrology:I… Continue reading The Stock Market Results:There Be Monsters:Accuracy
The New Picture:Financial Risk:There Be Monsters
I need to put into print here to document my predictions placed on my Twitter months before where I predicted that;”geopolitical risk”would start to ruin the value of VALUE worldwide.I pointed out this dimunition of value would be difficult to quantify at first,because much of the salient data has been hidden by various governments and… Continue reading The New Picture:Financial Risk:There Be Monsters
Predictions Which Came True
If you scroll back to my Twitter posts for July 10th through July 20th, you will note that I predicted negative effects in the stock market and explosive negative events worldwide- for this period. On Thursday,July 10th,2014,the market fell; but the most beautiful example of the exactitude of the veracity of this written prediction was… Continue reading Predictions Which Came True