Sunday,May 25th,I predicted a negative effect on Monday.This did NOT at first appear to be true:the market went up hugely,but a huge tx was levied by the government on this day which levied huge fines:thirty five dollars per person for each employee a corporation kicked off their books to buy health insurance on their own.Also on… Continue reading Predictions:Old and New:June 2, 2014
Category: BLOG POSTS
Predictions:Old and New May 26th
The large trend marching along regarding:banks,currencies,metals and value of VALUE in rapid flux-making the action CHOPPY with them was evident last week.More banking scandals came out in the news,the dollar went down,metals were reactive and the value of VALUE really melodramatic:Chinese assets dropping,a lackluster economy in America,problems in the E.U. with fear of deflation etc.… Continue reading Predictions:Old and New May 26th
Predictions:Old and New May 21st
For last week,I predicted the long term trend I have written of that of:banks,currencies,metals and value of VALUE in strong action continued to play out.Large banks fell,currencies got to high in many place;,the dollar fell,metals gyrated and fell mostly and VALUE PLUNGED worldwide. As I predicted FIRE was a big theme,as after my written prediction… Continue reading Predictions:Old and New May 21st
My Predictions Past and Future
On Twitter this week I described for the week ahead the diminishment of VALUE for many things WORLDWIDE:the week of May 11th,2014.The market was up in America on Monday,May 11th but on Tuesday,May 12th,the Dow is almost flat and the Nasdaq fell precipitously.Numbers for Germany and China were flat, Consumer spending was noted FLAT.The question… Continue reading My Predictions Past and Future
My Predictions:Those Made and The Future Ones
First a prediction I made which did NOT come true.I wrote I expected China and Japan to get involved in recent past weeks in a military situation of strong proportions This did not TRANSPIRE. There WERE military maneuvers of the Asian nations with the exception of China and these nations are going to meet to… Continue reading My Predictions:Those Made and The Future Ones
Predictions:Old and New
The prediction three weeks ago that there would be a large new trend involving:metals,currencies,banks and value of values.This came true.The C.O. of J.P.Morgan went to the Carlyle Groups,Citigroup-in the news,large bank stock mixed-some of these lower;the attorney general looking into flash trades-after book on this subject was published directly after this prediction.Copper fell,alluminum being investigated… Continue reading Predictions:Old and New
My Predictions Which Have Come True
Those that follow me on Twitter know the quality of my work.For those that don’t normally follow me on Twitter I would like to give some of my recent predictions which have been accurate.I will begin with those of this week:beginning on Monday,April,14 2014:on Monday I predicted that the Ukraine,Putin and Russsia would move the… Continue reading My Predictions Which Have Come True
Will April Be The Ukraine’s Crueler Month?
In mid April of 2014,the chart of the Ukraine is touched off,astrologically.Does this mean that Putin,or as I have fondly dubbed him:Vlad The Impaler’s actions towards it may not be over?.Certainly,this is not the time for them to let down their guard.Nato soldiers had better be placed in pivotal positions and missiles had better come… Continue reading Will April Be The Ukraine’s Crueler Month?
Maria Bartilomo:Sitting In The Catbird Seat
At nine in the morning,February 24th, Ms. Bartilomo begins her tenure as THE stellar business news anchor of Fox News;a post for which she is consummately suited.We can judge this from the chart this time offers her.It is her SIGNATURE written in the language of the PLANETS and it is a beautiful one.This chart will describe… Continue reading Maria Bartilomo:Sitting In The Catbird Seat
Vladamir Putin:His Russian Spring
It will come as no surprise that Vladamir Putin has the chart of a DICTATOR by nature:he is an absolutist about keeping control of everything in his world.He views Russia as his domain:his to do with as he deems fit. It will come as no surprise that Dictator Putin has MANY enemies- who are plotting… Continue reading Vladamir Putin:His Russian Spring