The ongoing Solar Eclipse of July 1st 2011 of 1;54 A.M.,Pacific Standard Time has been underway for approximately three days already but will go until July 7th in its strong long march of destruction as well as its attendant concurrent effect of flash transformations.This dark dragon has alot of glistening to his scaley coat.The… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Current Solar Eclipse
Category: BLOG POSTS
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
Before embarking on a romance,it is always prudent to have a traditional astrologer give you a sense of if the language you and your hypothetical paramour communicate with is expressive, or if your lips are moving without actual communication taking place.The charts of both of you will show if your modes of doing so are similar,or in… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
Electional Astrology:Ideal Chart Casting
Those of you who have just read my two articles on the Greek concept called:”sect” might not have understood the point of what I have been saying.I can sum it up by explaining that the Greeks were talking about a perfect hypothetical chart in which,or by which certain factors operated,which would bring into being… Continue reading Electional Astrology:Ideal Chart Casting
Hellenistic Astrology:The Markings of Fame and Publicity
In Hellenistic Astrology moreover,fame can many times be easily seen by judging the strength of the so called”sect leaders”of those born during the day:Jupiter,Saturn and the Sun and those born at night:Mars,venus and the Moon. If these planets are in what astrologers call “good standing”decently strong in the signs the sit in:for example,the… Continue reading Hellenistic Astrology:The Markings of Fame and Publicity
Hellenistic Astrology:Entering The World of Gender Issues
Hellenistic Astrology for those who have dealt with the savage lessons of feeling that they are a stranger in a strange land when it comes to gender,offers some real subtleties of shades of gray.This is as it should be.Each type of tradition astrology offers an idosyncratic gift and should be studied alone and in… Continue reading Hellenistic Astrology:Entering The World of Gender Issues
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Games
Many of the male persuasion this week will find themselves be winnowed out of their potential paramour’s life because they just had to play one more game and this is not the week for it! The planets have set up an endgame where the truth shows itself and bad actions blow up the… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To:Games
John Dee:The First 007
Many of you might not know that Queen Elizabeth the First of England employed the services of the master astrologer,mathematician,magician and scientist,John Dee. He was a traditional astrologer of exceptional talent and the timing chart he set up for her coronation shows just how canny he was.He curbed Elizabeth’s sexual nature and put… Continue reading John Dee:The First 007
There Be Monsters:The Solar Eclipse:July 1st
No doubt,many of you are now beginning to feel the opening effects of this powerful eclipse to come.It will be exact on July 1st at 1:54 A.M. Pacific Time in California. The reason I say it is so powerful,is that it is an eclipse of the chart of the United States and it… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Solar Eclipse:July 1st
Nuclear Can Can:Opera Bouffe:The Posturing of the Parties
This week,if today is an indication,and it is,we will see the democratic and republican parties performing opera bouffe,with legs kicked high in the air,while a fall out of nuclear winter rains down on them!Am I mixing my metaphors to make a poetic point?Heck yes!Otherwise how can I capture the opera comique quality of the… Continue reading Nuclear Can Can:Opera Bouffe:The Posturing of the Parties
So Goes This Week,So Goes The Year In The United States
President Obama just released oil from emergency oil reserves of the United States,this will temporarily lower the price of oil.Is this a good thing? In my opinion,this is a classic example of what we in the astrological biz call:bad electional timing.When an individual puts something into motion during a negative,explosive period of time,it bomerangs… Continue reading So Goes This Week,So Goes The Year In The United States