Hey folks,I have just learned that a well known astrologer is piggybacking my negative predictions onto his reputation!His problem will be,if he choses to continue,that I have timed,tagged and dated my predictions and ,if he continues,I will sue him!Of course,in some sense,this is flattering,but is based up the fact that my accuracy inprint has… Continue reading There Be Monsters:A Higher Earthquake Threat Why
Category: BLOG POSTS
Electional Timing:The Clock Set For New Begininnings
Neophytes to the realm of Astrology,do not know that we traditional astrologers deliberate for ourselves,our loved ones and our clients,upon when to begin the matters we consider important and that conversely we deliberately refrain from instigating change,when the cosmic clock is set for destruction. This is because when the clock of a chart is… Continue reading Electional Timing:The Clock Set For New Begininnings
Predictions Which Came True
Readers of my blog and BNI Embarcadero,my business group where I have made my public predictions can verify that my stock market prediction about the market tanking,after a “rolling””perfect storm of negative events”! That this happened saddens me,but shows that my knowldge can serve to protect my clients and friends from potential negative events.That is… Continue reading Predictions Which Came True
There Be Monsters:Stroke And Brain Risk
This year,unfortunately,as in the previous year,brain illnesses have and will come to the fore. I have no intention of going into why,many have no interst in my techniques,they just want the results.Others can ask me for those at a future time. Suffice to say,a word to the wise is sufficient:from June 25th… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Stroke And Brain Risk
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To Or Not
Many,now that the North Node:Rahu has Vedically gone backwards into Scoprio,setting up Ketu-the South Node,to take up its opposite polarity in Taurus.This will test romances in play because the spectres which generally poison romances are now bringing up their poisons from the Underworld:money isssues of Sex as Power versus Monetary Worth-:Domination-Submission:jocking for who-of the… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To Or Not
There Be Monsters:Why Eclipses Are So Powerful
The Sun is the karaka:symbol for the Soul and the Vitality of the body.The Moon is the karaka:symbol for the body and the mind of the individual.So in a particular Vedic chart,if these two things are weak or marred by negative”aspects” the person will have problems in these areas. The Sun in the… Continue reading There Be Monsters:Why Eclipses Are So Powerful
There Be Monsters:The Lunar Eclipse
Eclipses are powerful timings of change in the lives of all.Many times they give intense positive and negative change at the same time. What people,who don’t work with them don’t know is that their energy is not necessarily negative or positive:it just exists with explosive force. People like me,in the business of… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Lunar Eclipse
Music for The Geminian Eclipse
My classical pick for this weird time of: torrential rain,stock market ennui,Fukushimic radiation,and lord knows what else,is the musical stylings of Jacques Offenbach:La Grande-Duchesse de Gerolstein! C’est magnifique!Music to gather around while”Rome Burns”. Here life as a can can lives and life is an opera bouffe!
There Be Monsters:The Stock Market
Many months ago on this blog,I warned there would be a “perfect storm of rolling negative factors”which would cause the “hot air” that the market was floating on to be cooled rapidly.This is becoming a reality currently and it will not right iself with a different weather forecast.Batten down the house folks,you are in… Continue reading There Be Monsters:The Stock Market
Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To
For those of you who believe in there own romantic capability,this astrologer is here to tell you,if you chart does not have symbolic correlatives to the person you are trying to date,no amount of effort will help you:you are doomed! This is because the chart gives an honest account of your emotional personality… Continue reading Romance:Give Me Something I Can Dance To