Why Others Should Learn Traditional Astrologies

Why Others Should Learn Traditional Astrologies

The Romantic Compatability Reading Why To Have It

The Romantic Compatability Reading Why To Have It

Why Western Astrology Can Not Delineate Character

Why Western Astrology Can Not Delineate Character

The Choice of The Career – How Astrology Can Help – The “Cold Reading”

The Choice of The Career – How Astrology Can Help – The “Cold Reading”

President Biden Partial Resignation, Still President, Incomplete Abdication

President Biden Partial Resignation, Still President, Incomplete Abdication

Romance – Comparisons of The Beloved – What the Use of Multiple Astrologies Can Offer

Romance – Comparisons of the Beloved

Trump Potential Assassination and the Action of Divine Intervention – The Angel’s Breath of G’d wrote and then moved on

Trump Potential Assassination – This is a western astrological reading by Maralyn Burstein, using fixed stars that were primarily used in the past by illustrious astrologers of decent sophistication such as William Lilly of 17th-century England, who used the exactitude of the fixed stars for the color and precise insights only they offered. 

Why You Want To Have A Reading If You Are Reaching An Impasse

Why You Want To Have A Reading If You Are Reaching An Impasse

What Do You Gain From My Work?

What Do You Gain From My Work

Why Have One of My Readings For Your Child?

Why Have One of My Readings For Your Child