Donald Trump’s ;”Don’t Call It War”Approach To China

Our president is waging an unconventional “war”against China while all the while feigning “friendship”towards it and Xi.His words are artful:while his actions are a one two punch to it. While he speaks of transacting the “trade deal”in reality his actions are a full frontal attack on it’s economy and on Huwawei:educating America’s allies about how… Continue reading Donald Trump’s ;”Don’t Call It War”Approach To China

Astrology and Romantic Comparisons

I receive many phone calls from clients looking to Astrology to decode their romantic situation and their partner.I explain to them that the kind of work I do is time consuming and so,will be more costly than the services offered by others,maybe, There are many “astrologers”who offer chart comparisons for romance and the client doesn’t… Continue reading Astrology and Romantic Comparisons

Hillary Clinton

For many years I have dubbed Hillary Clinton the;”Norma Desmond”of politics because of her moody character and obsession with being in the spotlight. For this time I have predicted that eventually she would be brought to”justice”,Recently,a month ago on Twitter,I predicted that her chart was in the crosshairs again and I believed her actions would… Continue reading Hillary Clinton

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The Brett Kavanugh Connundrum

On the day the Brett Kavanugh testimony began at the exact time and location a large ,astrological,pattern which brings secrets to the surface of all stripes was locked into a prominent place in this chart of the event. This pattern comes to a culmination on October 10th and at the time much of the ambiguity… Continue reading The Brett Kavanugh Connundrum

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Hillary Clinton

For the next six days and going back five days-the chart of Hillary Clinton is back in the”glare”.This “Norma Desmond”of politics-“I’m ready for my close up Mr De Mille”craves publicity as desperately as the character in “Sunset Boulevard”whose final role was to be the role of “Salome”.Hillary Clinton will take publicity:for her there is no… Continue reading Hillary Clinton

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My readers have asked me to opine on Turkey,Erdogan and what the fallout will be:what is the,astrological,picture? Also they want to know if Japan will be stable this year.Let’s take a look shall we? When we look at Erdogan’s recent”inauguration chart” we see that he would be set up for banking and currency instability but… Continue reading Turkey

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North Korea Friend and Foe

North Korea Friend and Foe

Hillary Clinton

I was one of the few handicappers who-two months before the election predicted she would lose to Donald Trump.I based this prediction on technical charts which showed it decisively. I have written,ad nausium,to some,about my belief that eventually she will be:”brought to justice” and no doubt,here again,many don’t believe me.I always put my predictions in… Continue reading Hillary Clinton

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How Accurate Was I?

What happened in the small window the previous post described you ask? Well,although the market didn’t wholly plunge:many negative events did transpire.This was because reality was described by negative astrological descriptions. Let me recite some of them:Kim launched his scary missile that he said could reach anywhere in the U.S.;the FANG stocks plunged in value;there… Continue reading How Accurate Was I?

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Could There Be A Stockmarket Crash?

It is this astrologer’s opinion that we are in one of the most dangerous small windows of time in 2017:a small window where there may well be a stockmarket crash or,at least,a large “correction”in this small period of time:a couple of weeks. Many stockbrokers know my work.I was the analyst who,in print,on Twitter,predicted the Chinese… Continue reading Could There Be A Stockmarket Crash?

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