Contact Maralyn


Phone: 415-309-5165

To schedule an appointment with Maralyn Burstein please fill out this form and call her to discuss your matter at 415 309-5165.  Realize that Maralyn reserves the right to not take some cases if she determines her work will not be of use to the client. This is why she prefers to speak directly to clients over the phone.

Also be aware that Maralyn spends more than four hours preparing for and making a client’s reading because she, generally, runs charts from four different astrologies per reading, the multiple facets making insights gleaned in her readings superior.

Night calls are not encouraged.

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Appointment Policies and Disclaimers:

Since Maralyn usually spends, at least, four hours of time in preparation for each client. For this reason she requires three hundred dollars per hour for a reading, paid in advance. The amount of her fee depends on the nature of the matter.

Fees for extensive matters must be discussed prior to the reading and mutually agreed upon in advance. Obviously custom readings will be more expensive. Custom readings are encouraged. If a topic is not cited in the blog please feel free to broach it.

When hiring Maralyn Burstein please understand that advice given is for entertainment purposes only. Clients agree to hold Maralyn harmless.

All content of this website is under the sole ownership of Maralyn Burstein. It is trademarked and copyrighted. No part of whole of it can be copied without the express permission of Maralyn. Plagerizers will be legally pursued.