My Favorite Cold Reading Was For An Elderly Client

My Favorite Cold Reading Was For An Elderly Client

There Be Monsters

There Be Monsters

Jupiter Saturn Venus and Equine Effects

Jupiter Saturn Venus and Equine Effects

It Is Clear No Astrologer Was Involved With The 2024 Olympic Games – What A Shame!

It Is Clear No Astrologer Was Involved With The 2024 Olympic Games – What A Shame

The Choice of The Career – How Astrology Can Help – The “Cold Reading”

The Choice of The Career – How Astrology Can Help – The “Cold Reading”

Romance – Comparisons of The Beloved – What the Use of Multiple Astrologies Can Offer

Romance – Comparisons of the Beloved

Why You Want To Have A Reading If You Are Reaching An Impasse

Why You Want To Have A Reading If You Are Reaching An Impasse

What Do You Gain From My Work?

What Do You Gain From My Work

Picking CEO Material – Finding a Leader

Picking CEO Material – Finding a Leader

Astrology Reputation – Why It Is Not Great

Astrology Reputation – Why It Is Not Great